Facebook Messenger Ads

With AEP and Open Enrollment fast-approaching, there is no better time than now for Facebook to release an entirely new way to target existing and potential members. Introducing Facebook Messenger Ads. While Messenger Ads are very new, they leverage the impressive algorithmic platform Facebook has become known for to help communicate with consumers on a personal level that resonates beyond one-way advertising.

What are Facebook Messenger Ads?

Facebook Messenger Ads provide the ability to promote your brand while also providing your target audience the option to click a chat button that opens Facebook Messenger.

Once Facebook Messenger activates, users can have their questions answered, concerns addressed, request more information and even be directed straight to an AEP or Open Enrollment landing page.

What about legal issues?

For those who already have customer service representatives answering the phone and providing answers to member questions, Facebook Messenger Ads would be no different. By working with a trusted agency to create “saved” answers, you can reduce the workload on your customer service team, prevent potential legal problems and gain peace of mind.

Facebook Messenger Ads and Chatbots

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) changing the world of marketing and advertising, Chatbots now offer the ability to create a personalized brand experience through messaging systems. Powered by AI and programing, Chatbots can read messages and respond at any time of the day. By automating answers, Chatbots eliminate the need for training representatives while also reducing legal exposure.

Are Facebook Messenger Ads viable?

There are three approaches that health plans and their marketing partners can take:

  • Wait and see

While this may be the safe route, other brands may not be so hesitant and could gain an advantage in the marketplace.

  • Testing

By testing, you can do a limited campaign for a small target audience and evaluate the results, but you might not realize the full benefits.

  • Jumping in with both feet

By going all in, you could gain the first mover advantage and see a significant increase in member enrollment.

Contact TRAFFIK Health for a risk and opportunity assessment based on your needs and goals. With over 100 years of combined experience in the healthcare space, our campaigns have been game changers for clients looking to retain, grow and expand membership numbers.