Solutions for This Year's Five-Star Season
Ready or not, here they come. It’s the CMS Five-Star Rating survey season.
If you’re ready, shine on. If you’re not, you haven’t yet reached out to your members and you’re doubtless in a world of worry. Call us now!
Even though Five-Star Surveys happen every year, they can sneak up on you. We understand how difficult it is to be ready, and there is still time to try to influence this year’s score. Let TRAFFIK Health share some easy-to-implement tactics to help turn your ship around.
While you can tell your members to look for their surveys in the mailbox, that is not enough. We have to help them refresh their memories of the positive healthcare experiences and care that will be measured by their responses. It’s all about perceptions—on both sides of the surveys.
TRAFFIK’s ready-to-use solutions include:
Checklists: for Members and MDs
Direct Mail Templates
Pre-Approved Pieces: Letters, How-Tos
Special Facebook Pages: Direct Ways to Share
New Advice on use of Social Media: Your Members are More Savvy Every Year
Not to add drama to an already busy time, but you know the stakes continue to get higher in the ratings game—both monetarily, in new leads and even member retention. You can’t afford to lose stars and you only stand to gain if you earn an additional half or whole star.
Let us help you build as big or as small a Five-Star strategy as you need to be more confident of the current outcome, and know how to prepare for the following season.